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Orca FAQ

Results Troubleshooting

Q: Orca is detecting buildings/vegetation where there is/are none (false positive). Why?

A: The most common cause of false positives is the input imagery. Please check the known issues and limitations for the specific detection class to see if the input imagery has any of the aspects discussed.

Q: Orca is not detecting buildings/vegetation that appear in the input imagery. (false negative). Why?

A: The most common cause of false negatives is the input imagery. Please check the known issues and limitations for the specific detection class to see if the input imagery has any of the aspects discussed.

Q: Why isn't Orca as accurate as I expected or as the product specifications claim?

A: Orca will perform as expected on imagery similar to the imagery used to train Orca's predictive models. Imagery with poor quality or from novel regions will lead to less qualitative results.

Supported Input Imagery

Q: Which file formats are supported for input imagery?

A: Orca is only designed to operate with GeoTIFF files as input. COG (Cloud optimized GeoTIFF) files are acceptable. Other file types will result in the following error:


Ignoring input file {input_image_file} since it's extension {extension}
is not in ".tiff", ".tif", ".TIF", ".TIFF"!

Q: Which file types will Orca deliver as output?

A: After the inference process, results will be stored as GeoTIFF files. Vectorization results will be stored as GeoPackage files.

Q: The product specifications state that the input imagery's resolution needs to be between 40 and 60cm. Can I use imagery in a different resolution?

A: No, unfortunately. Input imagery outside of this range will produce the following error message:


Invalid input image {input_image_file}, resolution is not between 0.4 m and 0.6 m!

Q: Can Orca process input imagery with fewer than three bands (grayscale, only infrared, etc.)?

A: Orca requires imagery contain at least traditional RGB optical channels. Imagery with fewer bands will result in the following error:


Invalid input image {input_image_file}, number of bands is not 3!

Q: The input imagery is not georeferenced. Can Orca still accept this imagery?

A: No. Images that are not georeferenced will result in the following error:


Invalid input image {input_image_file}, image is not geo-referenced!

Q: Which map projections are supported?

A: Map projections corresponding to a projected or geographic EPSG code with either (E,N) or (N,E) axes alignment are supported. When the CRS is not a valid EPSG code the following error message will be displayed:


Invalid input image {input_image_file}, 
coordinate reference system of the provided image is not valid ({crs=})

However, if no CRS is provided in the image's metadata the user will also be informed:


Invalid input image {input_image_file}, crs is not defined


Q: Orca crashed in the middle of processing my data. Will I be charged?

A: Unfortunately, due to the way Orca Containers function, a charge is already being processed. Please appeal to our technical support. We are happy to refund any erroneous charges!

Orca Billing Support


Q: Orca never generated valid credentials. The web app shows "Please wait until it is generated." What went wrong?

A: It is necessary to have a valid token in the URL when visiting the Orca web app for the first time. Be sure to subscribe to Orca via the Microsoft Azure Synapse Marketplace and follow the links provided.

Q: failed, why?

A: One reason this can happen is there are not enough batch accounts linked to the subscription please request more batch accounts from Microsoft.

Other Questions

Q: The building footprint and vegetation detection look great! When can we expect new detection classes?

A: Hopefully soon! We are working hard to create and ship new containers based on state-of-the-art machine learning models. Newsletter

Q: How can I contact about other products, services, and collaboration?

A: Visit us at or send us an inquiry:

General Blackshark Inquiries